About Ulster Garden Villages Limited
Welcome to Ulster Garden Villages Limited (Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC101248 Reg. No. IP000083). We aim to make a real and lasting difference to the lives of people in Northern Ireland. The Common Fund is the bedrock of our grant-making and we continue to support a wide range of charitable activities in Northern Ireland. The assisted charities must demonstrate a clear need and evidence of the impact of their work along with their capacity to deliver, govern and sustain the initiative.
Our grants are conditional on the applicants successfully using our funding to leverage funds from other sources and this continues to work well and in many cases has enabled projects to become funded more rapidly.
In addition to our grant-making activities the provision of housing and property stock is one of our primary objectives.
Information on our Grant-making can be found in the Annual Report and Financial Statements. The Report contains a detailed list of projects supported and shows the breadth of charitable activities that have been recently supported.
Meetings are held quarterly to consider Grant Applications. The closing dates for Applications can be found in the ‘News’ section of this website.
Applications for grants to Ulster Garden Villages are currently closed. In light of our substantial charitable forward commitments, coupled with the unknown financial implication of the recent judgement in relation to our investment in apartments at Victoria Square, Chichester Street, Belfast, the Committee of Management has agreed to pause our charitable giving.Ulster Garden Villages will continue to work with those charities with grant offers already in place subject to their project commencement, to continue to ‘make a positive difference’ in the Community.
If you would like to be made aware of when applications are open again, please email admin@ulstergardenvillages.co.uk.